Welcome to Celebrating Truth!
It is my hope that we can discover together that Jesus does listen to our prayers and does respond when we call.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

celebrating with friends

A friend of mine mentioned that I needed to share with everyone again the hope of this blog. There was a time when I was a part of a weekly Bible study and even a small group, along with involvement with a group of women that served in our church. These groups allowed me the opportunity to share with others what the Lord was doing in my life and what I was learning in the Bible or ask questions about what I was learning. It worked both ways. These people also shared things with me. It was amazing to me to share with people in this way; to praise God together, to explore His Word and explore questions together; and then get excited when an answer arrived. For various reasons I no longer have these groups of people to share with.
I miss this exchange and celebration greatly. This is one of the reasons why I have started this blog. I want to celebrate Jesus with YOU! I am blessed and excited if you read this blog and it gives you something to think about or praise God for but I would be doubly blessed if we could celebrate together through your posts.

1 comment:

Ms Marie said...

So great to see and read your words Renee! Looking forward to future blogs! Thanks for your hard work on this!
In friendship,