Welcome to Celebrating Truth!
It is my hope that we can discover together that Jesus does listen to our prayers and does respond when we call.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Know to whom you pray

When we come boldly and confidently to the Throne Room with our requests, know to whom we pray. We know we are welcome. We know through the invitation and blood of Christ we are allowed there. We know that Jesus loves us and those we pray for. He promises to never leave us nor abandon us. He is all powerful, all knowing and there is no where we can go where He is not already there (Psalm 139); so when we pray confidently, remember who He is.  Do not pray, “Lord, be with him/her,” “Lord love him/her.” Come with thanksgiving,  praying that those you pray for will know Him and see Him; recognize Him and what He is trying to do for each of them.

                “Lord Jesus, thank you for never abandoning us. Thank you, for being with this person. Help this person to see You, to feel Your presence and know and believe that You are there with them always. Thank You for Your enduring love, help this person to receive Your love and know it is from You.”

Don’t pray that Jesus would be who He already is – He is unchanging. Pray that those who you are praying for will see Him, know Him and believe Him.

1 comment:

Donna Schultz said...

Great word, Renee. I've heard some people pray, "Oh, Lord continue to love us." Of course He will! Protect us. That too! Provide for us? Yes!!! Oh for more thanksgiving and acknowledgement of just Who He already is, to guide us in prayer.