Recently I have been planning out a picture wall of our family members. It has been fun to pick pictures from many years ago and more recent ones. It is so great to reminisce over old memories and good times. I know that when I finally finish that wall many in our family will enjoy the memories it will spark.
Keepsakes bring fond memories, feelings of love, laughter and people both close and far away. Many families treasure their loved ones in this way – through pictures and other mementos. Our heavenly Father is no different. He too has keepsakes, mementos that keep us close to Him until we can physically be close to Him.
Incense is a precious thing to God. He keeps it close to Him in heaven – right before the entrance to the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle that Moses built (Exodus 30:6) and next to His throne (Rev 5:8). It is so precious to Him that it is considered “most holy to the LORD.” (Exodus 30:37) This incense is placed near Him so He can breathe it in and be pleased with its aroma and what it reminds Him of. And what is that memory…
Psalm 141:2, Revelations 5:8 and 8:3 all speak of the incense as the prayers of the saints. Our prayers to God not only are heard but they are collected and stored in a golden bowl and are as incense to the Lord that He breathes in and that brings Him pleasure! Think on this…
God doesn’t just have pictures of us in His mind that He cherishes…
He doesn’t just listen to our prayers…
He saves them…
Savors them…
and breathes them in…
making them a part of Himself!!!
We are that precious to Him!
You are precious to Him!
Don’t ever forget that. Your prayers are not bouncing off the ceiling but being collected by God’s angels and placed in a bowl next to the Throne of God as incense to be breathed in and remembered, cherished.
Your prayers are the keepsakes of the Father.
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