Welcome to Celebrating Truth!
It is my hope that we can discover together that Jesus does listen to our prayers and does respond when we call.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Desperate cries leading to joy

Psalm 28
(go to http://www.biblegateway.com)

• Desperate cry for help
• Making his requests known to God
• Relief/peace
• Praising God
• Joy

Nine verses of prayer in a song to God during a difficult time for David. We are not told what time of life or what the specific circumstances in this psalm are and I’m not sure it’s necessary. This is a short and to the point way to pray to God and find peace and joy in the midst of terrible circumstances.
Notice that there is no resolution of David’s problems in this psalm but there is definitely a connecting with the character of God and who He is and that alone is what brought David the peace, hope and joy he needed in this situation.
We too can find the same thing in the midst of our difficult and sometimes horrible circumstances. We cry out to God believing that He is listening; we lay out our requests or laments out to Him and find relief and peace. From here we can then let our soul sing praise or speak praise to Him who has listened, met us in our time of need and brought relief and peace. Here we find joy in the love that our Lord Jesus has for us, right now, right here in this moment.
I, too, have experienced this same peace and joy in Christ in the moment. I have cried out to Him with shouts and tears at times seeking answers to questions and hope in what seemed like hopeless circumstances or unknown times of resolution of the current difficulties. What I discovered was Jesus was listening, He did care! Sometimes words of comfort from the Bible would come to mind or remembrances of His past help or songs that I had heard and song would filter through my mind or sometimes just a peace/relief would come over me and I too ended with praise and joy that I was heard. The problem had not gone away. The circumstances had not changed in those moments but Jesus heard me and He offered Himself to bring me comfort.
Tell me, have you experienced this same joy and peace and comfort in your times of need? Think back, sometimes we are so focused on what we want to happen that we miss the love that is coming our way. Know and believe that He is listening and He does care.
I would love to hear from you concerning your stories of how Jesus met you!

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