I was just finishing my Bible study, Seeking Him and one of the questions that was asked was concerning the testimonies in the study. I couldn't personally relate to each of the testimonies but I was encouraged by each person's willingness to take a good, hard look at his/her heart and make the necessary changes to in life to be obedient to Christ and find peace and joy again.
When the Bible says that iron sharpens iron -Proverbs 27:17, one of things we can take away from this is that living life next to each other brings encouragement and growth in us. I don't have to personally relate to each event or life change in your life to be encouraged in mine. But I am encouraged by your obedience to Jesus and willingness to stand by Him and listen even in difficult times and I can definitely praise and worship along side you when you share an answer to prayer or a discovery in His Word.
That is what this blog is all about. Maybe I am getting excited about a truth that you discovered a long time ago or doesn't touch you yet. If that is the case we can together celebrate who Jesus is and how He does meet us right where we are.
Well little did I know when I got this thought this morning where it would take me. See I started this draft after my Bible study and then made breakfast for my family (waffles and sausage, yum!). Then I started checking the blogs I follow and what do you know, I was encouraged and sharpened. This particular writer was sharing with all of us how his wife has encouraged him through the years and particularly when he started his own business. It was great to hear the testimony of a man about his wife particularly when I know their family. However, that was not what stuck with me. What stuck with me was his willngness to follow God's direction in his life and start his own business. The risk he took in God's timing (he and his wife had prayed for a while about the timing)was difficult and not without its bumps. But six years later this man is blessed by Christ and His faithfulness and the sucess of his business.
This blog I have started is somewhat of a risk for me. I know that it is what Christ has for me now but it's a risk because I know almost nothing about blogging and I have no idea where this is going to take me or if anyone is going to read it. But I know that this is what I am supposed to do and I love to write and share what God is teaching me and greatly enjoy praising and worshipping Him with others. Maybe years from now I too can shout from my "mountain top" how much Jesus has done through this little venture of "Celebrating Truth".
Thanks Meg for posting the story of Tom and Heather!
Hey Renee -- I'm so proud of you for taking a risk and launching this blog. I hear your personality and sense your closeness with God as i read your posts. Way to go! xoxo, Meg
Just so you know sister...someone's reading!
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