Welcome to Celebrating Truth!
It is my hope that we can discover together that Jesus does listen to our prayers and does respond when we call.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Peace that transcends all understanding

In the past weeks we have been looking closely at each verse in the passage of Philippians 4:4-7. I think that at times it is good to go through passages slowly for better understanding and meditation. The final verse in this passage is something that I believe is accomplished after the previous recommendations have been followed.
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
This is not to say that the peace of God will not find you unless you follow “x,y, and z.” However, in regard to this passage Paul is telling us that as we come to the Lord in prayer in the way he has instructed the result will be a peace that we cannot explain that will guard our hearts and minds.

Wow! Our God is certainly amazing! He asks us to intercede on behalf of others. He tells us how to do it. Then He tells us that He will give us a peace that is indescribable and will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Again I must reiterate here that whatever Christ requires or asks, He also provides the means to do. Remember there was a “disturbance” in their church because of two women fighting. Paul instructs the body to pray. After this church prays in the way Paul suggests, he informs them that they will find peace and protection. And all of this comes from Jesus Christ Himself!

The cares and prayer requests of those we love and serve can, at times, be heavy to bear. We have the possibility of becoming vulnerable to agitation, fear, overwhelming sadness or worry, when we are given prayer requests. We must remember that we come on behalf of others out of love for them and for our Lord. We boldly come before the Throne of God with these precious requests and we leave them right there, at His feet. We are making a deposit, so to speak. We come and give Him the concern and request and leave it at His feet to handle the result. We come concerned and sometimes heavy or even weeping for those we pray for and then how to we leave His Throne Room? We leave with a peace that transcends all understanding that also gives our hearts and our minds protection.

It strikes me that as I read this last paragraph over again, it clearly comes from a woman's heart or at least this woman's heart that so easily empathizes with others. But as I think how my husband may come (I have not asked him if this is accurate), I could see him coming in strength and protection for those he is praying for. He would not come necessarily weeping but ready to do battle. I also can see him leaving still ready for battle and trying to figure out how best to conquer this battle. This person too must leave with peace and protection. The battle is the Lord's. You come in strength ready to go to battle for others, leave the quest at His feet and leave in peace knowing that this General is mighty and strong and will care for His people. When and if He asks for your assistance, you will know it. But your part in the battle at this time is done. You have left the concern at His feet, leave in peace.

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." Isaiah 26:3

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