YouTube - Amazing Grace History/"Amazing Grace" By Wintley Phipps
I haven't posted things like this yet, so I hope it works.
A friend of mine sent this to me this morning in my email. I don't want to try to put words to this message...take the nine minutes to listen to this in its entirety. It will bless you greatly!
Welcome to Celebrating Truth!
It is my hope that we can discover together that Jesus does listen to our prayers and does respond when we call.
It is my hope that we can discover together that Jesus does listen to our prayers and does respond when we call.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Watching or Sleeping
As I was reading in Mark 13 the end of the chapter hit me. The chapter covers a discussion with Jesus and His disciples. They have asked Him when a great destruction of the city will occur that Jesus had just mentioned. (Mark 13:2 "Do you see all these great buildings?" replied Jesus. "Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down." )
At the end of His somewhat cryptic answer, Jesus ends with the admonition to be watchful and not be caught sleeping. This is an almost constant topic of concern for me. I am so easily distracted. I am definitely awake physically but spiritually? I have to be conscious of my state of mind and not get caught up in the busyness of life or useless distractions that keep my mind preoccupied and not focusing on Jesus or godly things. I must be watchful of the leadings of the Holy Spirit, so I don't miss an opportunity to be a part of Christ's plan and activities. For me it means not getting caught up in meaningless distractions that prevent me from hearing and following.
It reminds me of the book Hinds' Feet on High Places. The Shepherd had told Much-Afraid that He would come for her and sing an invitation to her as He passed by her cottage. He could not give her the exact time He would come, she just had to be ready and listening so she could go to the High Places they had talked about.
Christ wants me to join Him in what He chooses to invite me to do but I must be ready, watching and listening or I might miss Him when He calls.
Oh Lord help me to be watchful and ready.
At the end of His somewhat cryptic answer, Jesus ends with the admonition to be watchful and not be caught sleeping. This is an almost constant topic of concern for me. I am so easily distracted. I am definitely awake physically but spiritually? I have to be conscious of my state of mind and not get caught up in the busyness of life or useless distractions that keep my mind preoccupied and not focusing on Jesus or godly things. I must be watchful of the leadings of the Holy Spirit, so I don't miss an opportunity to be a part of Christ's plan and activities. For me it means not getting caught up in meaningless distractions that prevent me from hearing and following.
It reminds me of the book Hinds' Feet on High Places. The Shepherd had told Much-Afraid that He would come for her and sing an invitation to her as He passed by her cottage. He could not give her the exact time He would come, she just had to be ready and listening so she could go to the High Places they had talked about.
Christ wants me to join Him in what He chooses to invite me to do but I must be ready, watching and listening or I might miss Him when He calls.
Oh Lord help me to be watchful and ready.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
iron sharpens iron
I was just finishing my Bible study, Seeking Him and one of the questions that was asked was concerning the testimonies in the study. I couldn't personally relate to each of the testimonies but I was encouraged by each person's willingness to take a good, hard look at his/her heart and make the necessary changes to in life to be obedient to Christ and find peace and joy again.
When the Bible says that iron sharpens iron -Proverbs 27:17, one of things we can take away from this is that living life next to each other brings encouragement and growth in us. I don't have to personally relate to each event or life change in your life to be encouraged in mine. But I am encouraged by your obedience to Jesus and willingness to stand by Him and listen even in difficult times and I can definitely praise and worship along side you when you share an answer to prayer or a discovery in His Word.
That is what this blog is all about. Maybe I am getting excited about a truth that you discovered a long time ago or doesn't touch you yet. If that is the case we can together celebrate who Jesus is and how He does meet us right where we are.
Well little did I know when I got this thought this morning where it would take me. See I started this draft after my Bible study and then made breakfast for my family (waffles and sausage, yum!). Then I started checking the blogs I follow and what do you know, I was encouraged and sharpened. This particular writer was sharing with all of us how his wife has encouraged him through the years and particularly when he started his own business. It was great to hear the testimony of a man about his wife particularly when I know their family. However, that was not what stuck with me. What stuck with me was his willngness to follow God's direction in his life and start his own business. The risk he took in God's timing (he and his wife had prayed for a while about the timing)was difficult and not without its bumps. But six years later this man is blessed by Christ and His faithfulness and the sucess of his business.
This blog I have started is somewhat of a risk for me. I know that it is what Christ has for me now but it's a risk because I know almost nothing about blogging and I have no idea where this is going to take me or if anyone is going to read it. But I know that this is what I am supposed to do and I love to write and share what God is teaching me and greatly enjoy praising and worshipping Him with others. Maybe years from now I too can shout from my "mountain top" how much Jesus has done through this little venture of "Celebrating Truth".
Thanks Meg for posting the story of Tom and Heather!
When the Bible says that iron sharpens iron -Proverbs 27:17, one of things we can take away from this is that living life next to each other brings encouragement and growth in us. I don't have to personally relate to each event or life change in your life to be encouraged in mine. But I am encouraged by your obedience to Jesus and willingness to stand by Him and listen even in difficult times and I can definitely praise and worship along side you when you share an answer to prayer or a discovery in His Word.
That is what this blog is all about. Maybe I am getting excited about a truth that you discovered a long time ago or doesn't touch you yet. If that is the case we can together celebrate who Jesus is and how He does meet us right where we are.
Well little did I know when I got this thought this morning where it would take me. See I started this draft after my Bible study and then made breakfast for my family (waffles and sausage, yum!). Then I started checking the blogs I follow and what do you know, I was encouraged and sharpened. This particular writer was sharing with all of us how his wife has encouraged him through the years and particularly when he started his own business. It was great to hear the testimony of a man about his wife particularly when I know their family. However, that was not what stuck with me. What stuck with me was his willngness to follow God's direction in his life and start his own business. The risk he took in God's timing (he and his wife had prayed for a while about the timing)was difficult and not without its bumps. But six years later this man is blessed by Christ and His faithfulness and the sucess of his business.
This blog I have started is somewhat of a risk for me. I know that it is what Christ has for me now but it's a risk because I know almost nothing about blogging and I have no idea where this is going to take me or if anyone is going to read it. But I know that this is what I am supposed to do and I love to write and share what God is teaching me and greatly enjoy praising and worshipping Him with others. Maybe years from now I too can shout from my "mountain top" how much Jesus has done through this little venture of "Celebrating Truth".
Thanks Meg for posting the story of Tom and Heather!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Where does your hope lie?
As I was reading the Bible and praying one day, a prayer formed on my lips for a family member.
“Lord, help her to hope in You and who You are and not the answers to her prayers.”
You may think that a strange prayer but this person is becoming discouraged because it is taking God too long to answer her prayers. How often have we found ourselves in exactly this same spot? We have a situation that we are trying to lay in Christ’s hands and not worry about but when we don’t find the answer to the prayers we have so faithfully sent His way, we think there is no hope because He is not listening.
Here is my thought and hope for you in your time of need, whether it be now or in the coming future. Find hope in the character of Christ and who He teaches us He is the Bible. This is what is lasting and eternal! Who do you know Jesus Christ to be? Do you know much about Him at all? If you are having trouble with this, read His Word. You will find evidence of the character of Jesus/God in the entire Bible. Even in the tedious lists of the Old Testament we discover that everyone who chooses to serve Him, follow Him, obey Him is important to Him; even the guy who laid a brick on the southwest wall surrounding Jerusalem in Nehemiah or person who happened to be descended from Shem – one of Noah’s sons. We matter to God!
Throughout the Old Testament, we are reminded of God’s past provision. The Israelites took the time to remember the provision of God during some celebrations and in singing psalms to Him in worship. What was the purpose of the history lesson during church? Reminding those in attendance who God is and praising/worshipping/thanking Him for that and in the process finding hope in their current situations. He is all powerful, faithful, loving, comforting… These facts are what bring us hope in our time of need.
Hear me when I say this, pray to Jesus. He does listen. He does care. He does want us to pray to Him and give Him the burdens of our hearts in our times of need. But do not rest your hope on the answers to those specific prayers. We do not know the mind of God or His specific plans for our lives, therefore, we do not know how or when certain prayers will be answered. Lay your burdens down, remember how precious our prayers are to Him and then place you hope in the character of Jesus and what you know of Him. And then read that Bible and discover more about Him so you have more to hope in during your times of need.
“Lord, help her to hope in You and who You are and not the answers to her prayers.”
You may think that a strange prayer but this person is becoming discouraged because it is taking God too long to answer her prayers. How often have we found ourselves in exactly this same spot? We have a situation that we are trying to lay in Christ’s hands and not worry about but when we don’t find the answer to the prayers we have so faithfully sent His way, we think there is no hope because He is not listening.
Here is my thought and hope for you in your time of need, whether it be now or in the coming future. Find hope in the character of Christ and who He teaches us He is the Bible. This is what is lasting and eternal! Who do you know Jesus Christ to be? Do you know much about Him at all? If you are having trouble with this, read His Word. You will find evidence of the character of Jesus/God in the entire Bible. Even in the tedious lists of the Old Testament we discover that everyone who chooses to serve Him, follow Him, obey Him is important to Him; even the guy who laid a brick on the southwest wall surrounding Jerusalem in Nehemiah or person who happened to be descended from Shem – one of Noah’s sons. We matter to God!
Throughout the Old Testament, we are reminded of God’s past provision. The Israelites took the time to remember the provision of God during some celebrations and in singing psalms to Him in worship. What was the purpose of the history lesson during church? Reminding those in attendance who God is and praising/worshipping/thanking Him for that and in the process finding hope in their current situations. He is all powerful, faithful, loving, comforting… These facts are what bring us hope in our time of need.
Hear me when I say this, pray to Jesus. He does listen. He does care. He does want us to pray to Him and give Him the burdens of our hearts in our times of need. But do not rest your hope on the answers to those specific prayers. We do not know the mind of God or His specific plans for our lives, therefore, we do not know how or when certain prayers will be answered. Lay your burdens down, remember how precious our prayers are to Him and then place you hope in the character of Jesus and what you know of Him. And then read that Bible and discover more about Him so you have more to hope in during your times of need.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
blog challenged
Well to my friends, who like myself are somewhat unfamiliar with the blog. I have had several emails telling me that you have read the blog but have not been able to post a comment. One dear friend even became a follower, but still didn't know how to post a comment. After several days of trying to figure it out myself, LOL. Yes it's okay to laugh at me! I have discovered how to post a comment. On the right side of the blog is a section where all my postings are listed. Click on the blog you wish to post on and it will come up on another window where you will find a button on the bottom for posting comments. Consider this your new thing learned for the day!! Together we will figure out the blog world...well maybe. :)
Adendum: yes, you need to sign up to make a post.
Adendum: yes, you need to sign up to make a post.
Gentle Reminder
Well when I started this blog or even started thinking about this blog, I envisioned praising Him for answers to prayer, verses that touched me or someone I knew in a new way or just getting excited about the goodness of Jesus but there is something else to celebrate. In Hebrews we are reminded or taught that God disciplines those He loves. When we experience the discipline of Jesus, don't get discouraged and angry, be encouraged that He loves us enough to take the time to discipline us. Well, that sounds good but when you are feeling the correction, no matter how gentle, it stings.
This happened to me last night. I was spending some time before bed reading the Bible and praying for a friend. I was asking specifically for verses to pray over her. I was led to a couple of verses (Deut 5:7 and 6:5). When I read these verses I was a bit confused because they had nothing to do with what I knew of her current situation but they definitely gave me a start.
Let me back track a bit. I have struggled sometime with setting priorities. How do I fit time with God into my day of work, family, house maintenance and other responsibilities and just relaxation? I had prayed about that and struggled with that for about a year and a half. Then last summer I started a new study called Seeking Him by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Tim Grisson. Through the course of this study, I reestablished more balance in my life and experienced the talked about revival in my relationship with Jesus. It has been amazing!
Well, I must confess I have been struggling a bit with balance because the study is completed and I have nothing to replace it. Yesterday was a bad day for balance. I did more relaxing than anything else and it was not good. When I read those verses intended I thought for my friend, I knew they were for me. A reminder that I am to have no other gods, except the one true God and that I am to love Him with all my heart, soul and mind. I was not doing that yesterday and have not been loving Him with all of me for at least a week. This stung because I know I was hurting Jesus by ignoring Him and not intentionally spending time with Him.
Some may say, "Well, lighten up,Renee, it's one week or one day!" My response to that is to say, "Thank you, Jesus, for knowing my heart so well!" For me discipline is required and needs to be kept in short account. I don't want to go back to the life, when I didn't feel close to Jesus and I spent very little time with Him. That was an empty time in my life, filled with loneliness for Him and the intimacy we once shared. Those verses last night were a loving reminder to me to keep myself on track and love Him the way I truly want to. It's not much different than my relationship with friends and my husband. I long to spend time with each of them and make an extra effort to be with each of them. When I don't there is something missing in my life because one of them has not been in it for some time or had alone time with me for catching up and renewal of intimacy.
This is what I celebrate this morning, Jesus loves me enough to tell me and you, "I love you and I want to spend time with you. Don't forget Me and put other things ahead of Me. I love you with My whole heart, please return that love with your whole heart."
Thank You Jesus!
This happened to me last night. I was spending some time before bed reading the Bible and praying for a friend. I was asking specifically for verses to pray over her. I was led to a couple of verses (Deut 5:7 and 6:5). When I read these verses I was a bit confused because they had nothing to do with what I knew of her current situation but they definitely gave me a start.
Let me back track a bit. I have struggled sometime with setting priorities. How do I fit time with God into my day of work, family, house maintenance and other responsibilities and just relaxation? I had prayed about that and struggled with that for about a year and a half. Then last summer I started a new study called Seeking Him by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Tim Grisson. Through the course of this study, I reestablished more balance in my life and experienced the talked about revival in my relationship with Jesus. It has been amazing!
Well, I must confess I have been struggling a bit with balance because the study is completed and I have nothing to replace it. Yesterday was a bad day for balance. I did more relaxing than anything else and it was not good. When I read those verses intended I thought for my friend, I knew they were for me. A reminder that I am to have no other gods, except the one true God and that I am to love Him with all my heart, soul and mind. I was not doing that yesterday and have not been loving Him with all of me for at least a week. This stung because I know I was hurting Jesus by ignoring Him and not intentionally spending time with Him.
Some may say, "Well, lighten up,Renee, it's one week or one day!" My response to that is to say, "Thank you, Jesus, for knowing my heart so well!" For me discipline is required and needs to be kept in short account. I don't want to go back to the life, when I didn't feel close to Jesus and I spent very little time with Him. That was an empty time in my life, filled with loneliness for Him and the intimacy we once shared. Those verses last night were a loving reminder to me to keep myself on track and love Him the way I truly want to. It's not much different than my relationship with friends and my husband. I long to spend time with each of them and make an extra effort to be with each of them. When I don't there is something missing in my life because one of them has not been in it for some time or had alone time with me for catching up and renewal of intimacy.
This is what I celebrate this morning, Jesus loves me enough to tell me and you, "I love you and I want to spend time with you. Don't forget Me and put other things ahead of Me. I love you with My whole heart, please return that love with your whole heart."
Thank You Jesus!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
What it's all about
Well, here I go, on another adventure with God. Who knew that someone like me would start a blog! I didn't even know what a blog was a year ago!
So why am I doing this? declare on my new mountain top how great God is! Years ago when I was in a really difficult season of my life, I was seeing Christ's faithfulness and provision on a regular basis. During this time I just wanted to shout from the mountain tops what He was doing in my life and how faithful He was. But there was no mountain in my corner of the world. Instead I would call a girlfriend and we would shout and cry and share with one another the song that touched our hearts or the verses we had read that answered a prayer or how much we appreciated a message at church or a topic in our weekly Bible study.
Due to the season of life I am in and the relatively new job I am in, regular time with friends isn't as available as it once was. So here is my new mountain top, my new place to sometimes shout for joy or quietly and in awe share how Christ revealed Himself in word or song.
I have heard it said, "My prayers are bouncing off the ceiling," or "When will He answer my prayer? Is He even listening?" This breaks my heart! The Bible tells us over and over again that He hears, He listens, and that our prayers are so precious to Him that there is an angel who collects our prayers and places them like incense in a gold bowl right next to His throne!(Psalm141:2,Rev.5:8,8:3-4) I am here to say that He doesn't always give me the answers I am looking for right away or sometimes not at all but He does answer my call and He does reach out to me. I just had to adjust my focus and I found Him.
This is what I want to celebrate and share with you. Specific answers to prayer may take longer to come than we would like but it doesn't mean that He is not hearing us or speaking to us in other ways while we wait for that particular answer. He is full of love for us and promises to be with us in our circumstances right where we are.(Deut. 31:6)
So come with me and celebrate Jesus' love and pursuit of each of us.
So why am I doing this? declare on my new mountain top how great God is! Years ago when I was in a really difficult season of my life, I was seeing Christ's faithfulness and provision on a regular basis. During this time I just wanted to shout from the mountain tops what He was doing in my life and how faithful He was. But there was no mountain in my corner of the world. Instead I would call a girlfriend and we would shout and cry and share with one another the song that touched our hearts or the verses we had read that answered a prayer or how much we appreciated a message at church or a topic in our weekly Bible study.
Due to the season of life I am in and the relatively new job I am in, regular time with friends isn't as available as it once was. So here is my new mountain top, my new place to sometimes shout for joy or quietly and in awe share how Christ revealed Himself in word or song.
I have heard it said, "My prayers are bouncing off the ceiling," or "When will He answer my prayer? Is He even listening?" This breaks my heart! The Bible tells us over and over again that He hears, He listens, and that our prayers are so precious to Him that there is an angel who collects our prayers and places them like incense in a gold bowl right next to His throne!(Psalm141:2,Rev.5:8,8:3-4) I am here to say that He doesn't always give me the answers I am looking for right away or sometimes not at all but He does answer my call and He does reach out to me. I just had to adjust my focus and I found Him.
This is what I want to celebrate and share with you. Specific answers to prayer may take longer to come than we would like but it doesn't mean that He is not hearing us or speaking to us in other ways while we wait for that particular answer. He is full of love for us and promises to be with us in our circumstances right where we are.(Deut. 31:6)
So come with me and celebrate Jesus' love and pursuit of each of us.
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